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I remember a description of sorcery versus necromancy in Exalted, and how neither is really good or evil, but necromancy is more specialized.

Sorcery is like a knife. It can be used as a weapon, but it can also be used as a tool for other things. Necromancy is like a stiletto. Stilettos kill people.

Blood magic is of course a massively positive kind of magic, useful for transfusions and the healing of blood disorders, as well as amplifying the natural field of health in the blood. It has sadly gained a bad reputation because of how it has been abused, which is made possible through the link a person has to the blood and of course because of how it is difficult to track….

Bone magic is also a healthy, positive force when used for good, and is wonderful for treating fractures, breaks and other bone disorders…

Necromancy has long been vilified, because it can unfortunately be used for unnatural things. It is, sadly, now completely banned in practically every Magical College out there. Gone are the days where one can directly confer with the dead to settle disputes over inheritances and bequests…

From “An Examination of the Forbidden Arts: is our bias enough?”, P S Bloodfounder, Arcazar College of Magic, Arcazaria

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